Good morning!
Any recommendations for reputable Locum companies for single provider pediatric practice in need of some time off. Rural. M-F 8a-5p. Outpatient only. 30 patients daily. EMR. After-hours answering service with Nurse Triage back-up.
Thanks in advance!

I have used Comp Health before…it is expensive.

Have you tried talking to your local AAP chapter to see if there are any pediatricians who do coverage?

I also got a list from my malpractice carrier of pediatricians who did locums coverage. I also have found pediatricians by contacting other small rural pediatricians in my state and seeing who they have used when they have taken a vacation.

Hope that helps…I have been lucky in the past staying away from the big companies, especially since the covering doctor does not see a majority of the money.

If you hire your own, then you need to think about housing, car, per diem meals, air fare to and from etc.

Dr. Baum,

Good morning and thank you so much!