If I could vote for AAP president

I can’t vote for AAP president, as I’m not a pediatrician, and therefore not a voting member. I’d love to participate in the voting each year, as I believe that only ~10% of the AAP membership votes, which is a shame.

This year, I support Dr. Sue Kressly (@skressly) for AAP president. Some of you may be surprised by this, because as a former owner/medical director of PCC’s biggest competitor, she and I were often “competing” in the vendor space. Most of you know her and her work because of her ubiquitous efforts through SOAPM, AAP committee work, or even here. She has arguably helped more pediatric practices, directly, than anyone I can think of (except @SKB).

I have had many opportunities, however, to work with Dr. Kressly on projects outside the public sphere, from a series of pediatric EHR certification committees to Section H content planning to vital EHR privacy work and more. Every time, without exception, Dr. Kressly has advocated for children and pediatricians, especially independent pediatricians, with an unmatched conviction and real-world experience. I can’t actually think of a single instance where her perspective on a technical or workflow or financial-clinical issue differed from mine - though I can think of many times when she articulated her position better than I did. To your benefit.

Don’t take my word on any of this, of course. Make up your own mind. I encourage you, however, to check out a list of her professional accomplishments (it’s a mile long!) or a sampling of her many on-line articles, videos, and podcasts.

Most importantly, even if you don’t agree with my choice for AAP president this year, please vote. So many pediatricians complain about what the AAP does or doesn’t do for them, yet almost no one does anything about it. You can at least click a few times. Voting opens soon.

Just a reminder that AAP voting ends today!