Employer Back to work policies

My accountant sent me this last week…I spoke to our lawyer who thinks only some of these are needed…spoke to a friend who uses same accountant and he is doing nothing as both of us are solo/dual practices…what do you think Paulie and Chip
" o help you work through this aspect of your business management, we have partnered with a law firm to provide you with a turnkey Employer Back to Work Packet that includes the following policies to ensure proactive compliance:

1* Return to Work Notice
2* Waiver of Liability for Business Invitees
3* Childcare Leave (Summer Vacation) Form
4* Workplace Policy on COVID-19 Precautions and PPE
5* OSHA Standards Form
6* Internal Reporting of Issues Form
7* Out of Workplace Policy on COVID-19
8* COVID-19 Consent Form(s)

I have #1,3 in place…also #5 in place…does anyone have a source for these …what is everyone doing?