CARES Act Provider Relief Fund - "Office Hours" Opportunities

Next week, AAP’s Director of Federal Advocacy Stephanie Glier and I will provide 2 opportunities to ask more in-depth Q&A on your CARES Act PRF applications.

We will be holding “Office Hours” sessions on Tuesday, July 7 and Thursday, July 9 from 7-8 pm CT. Register now for Tuesday’s session here, and for Thursday’s session here. These sessions are free and open to all AAP members and practice managers.

If you have technical challenges like “My TIN still hasn’t been validated for 15 days despite the promises of various and sundry Optum ladies,” those are also fine to submit. We do not have access to Optum’s system, but we are fearlessly prepared to do battle with the Big O to get your application processed. If you need help in this way, please be prepared to submit info (confidentially) like a screenshot of your status, your TIN, your Optum ID, reference number and name of who you talked to at Optum about this and time/date of that encounter, etc.

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