How to code 99214/99215 Telemedicine visits

Thank you for this post!

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Was there an expiration date on the code DRUNA? Did I wait too long?!

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Code is still good! If you have any issues with it, let me know for sure.

I didn’t see a reply so I am reposting ‘What about when the insurance company says they will not pay more than 99213 for telehealth visits? How can we bill more than 99214 when the work justifies it?’

Billing exactly what you do is best even when they pay differently to what you bill. They’re gonna pay you only what they’ll pay you in any case.

If after a time you win that battle and their policy on that point changes to allow for payment of codes other than 99213, you’ll have record of all of the claims you want reprocessed. If you cave and bill only what they’ll pay, you forfeit that detail.

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