Employed provider vacation

I own a small independent practice with two employed part time physicians and one full time NP. My newest physician has been with us five years. They get 4 weeks vacation after 5 years. Until recently, I haven’t needed to be concerned with how they take those days. In the past couple of years though, one of my physicians is taking all the days before/after holidays or days their kids are off school. This is not working for the other providers, who obviously would like an opportunity to sometimes have that option. I am thinking about mandating that 3 of the 4 weeks be taken as a full week (not just 1 day here and one day there) and can’t be all condensed around holidays. Is this appropriate? Having a provider take off individual days totaling 4 weeks of a year leaves us a provider short far many busy days.
I would love to hear how others manage this, and any suggestions as to how to approach this with this doc. As we are small and independent, I have never had to be quite so formal. It seems that I am going to have to set some policies regarding this. I appreciate the input.

Good afternoon! I was in a 2 provider practice and we alternated the holidays/long weekends for the better part of 26 years. It’s adult and professional. Did not need “rules-of-engagement”. One of our nurses always took off the day after Thanksgiving (we were always open) and finally the other nurses spoke up as they would have liked to use PTO as well. Now they rotate as well, unless it is not needed. Humanity won! Best of luck:)

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I also have a very small independent practice. Every month we have an office meeting and discuss the calendar. Rotation around major holidays is the only fair way to treat all of the employees. If someone wants to trade their days around the holiday because they have no plans, it has to be approved by all of the staff; that way there cannot be grumbling later. It is hard to maintain a happy staff, but vital to the success of your office.

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