Back To Busy Update!

Last week, I mentioned the Back To Busy Summit being hosted and produced by Dr. Phil Boucher. Paulie and I are both part of the event as are over a dozen amazing speakers.

Not only is this 3-night event dirt cheap ($89!) and not only does it come with a more-than-money-back guarantee…it’s now even cheaper and you can support the AAP. Dr. Boucher has generously agreed to take $20 off the registration fee for friends of PCC. If you use the coupon code PCC at checkout you’ll automatically get $20 off.

But here’s the coolest part: in addition to your discount, with that code $50 will be donated to the AAP Friend’s of Children Fund. Spend $69, have $50 donated to the FoCF, learn just ONE thing from any of the amazing speakers (Paulie and I stick out like sore thumbs), and everyone wins.

Head here, check out the line up, and register.

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OK! Thanks yet again!

Can practice managers sign up for this?

Yes! Open to all interested…

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Thanks for the info. FYI It looks like they raised the price to $137.

Anyone else sign up and have not received a link for tonight? My doc has emailed twice without success.

If you are having any trouble, send a note to!

Thank you!

I should have checked here first! I saw an email for this but I thought it was $300ish and that was too steep for now! I hope it went well!