ASQ 3 Frequency

We currently only use the M-Chat at 18 mo & 2 yr (CPT 96110).

We want to implement the ASQ 3 and from what I’ve read it’s definitely recommended at 9 mo, 18 mo, 24 mo & 36 mo. Ages & Stages is available at every well visit so my question is, if we bill for it on the regular pediatric well visit schedule, do you think they will pay or should we only do it at those other 4 intervals?


Jen Lacey

We have been doing ASQ at every PEX starting at 4mo.
4m, 6m, 9m, 12m, 18m, 2y, 3y, & 4y. We are adding 15m and 30m PEX this year and will be doing the ASQ-SE at those visits. We also have been doing M-CHAT at 18m and 2y. Billing and getting paid by insurance for them.

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