Unemployment Benefits

We are having to partially furlough our staff due to declining visit volume.
It seems that unemployment benefits are handled by the state of Georgia, which trump the federal unemployment benefits that were promoted (at 2/3 wages) by CARES.
Hourly wage earners seem like they will turn out OK, esp if and when they get the federal $600 per week.
Unfortunately, our NPs will take a hit, since their unemployment drops down to a state max of ~$360/wk + federal $600/wk.
So in other words, it seems that the state handling of the COVID crisis unemployment can be very unfriendly to the higher wage earners.
Does that seem correct and are other states the same way?
Esp in regards to not seeing the 2/3 wages that were promoted.
Is there any other way they can get additional federal funds?

This is similar to Nebraska as well. Our hourly employees that make (don’t quote me) under 51,000/yr will actually make MORE on unemployment than they would working when you figure in the state unemployment plus the $600 federal amount.
Several employees have figured this out and have asked to be furloughed or laid off…to which I’ve said no :wink: