I was excited to hear Our group was one step away from our PPP loan this morning through Bank of America.
But the amount calculated for payroll was 1/4 of what I calculated. I can cancel the last step but fear losing our application to money running out or delaying our application? Has anyone out there had to dispute/clarify the loan calculation? I know Paulie has said you dont get a “do over” if you accept thw loan.
It has been incredibly frustrating because there is no real contact person to guide us. Our normal BofA bankers are All processing other clients PPP /SBA loans. We formed a new pediatric Group 1/1/20 so I don’t know if that is complicating calculations. We have old legacy practice financials but have been trying to base payroll on the 4-5 mths we have existed. The Actual payroll number plus health insurance plus retirement benefits plus taxes plus K1partners maxed at 100k puts the number much higher. I have an email into our bankers and accountants. Did anyone have an experience with a loan amount that was changed?
This is the not the first time I’ve heard of a bank lowering the loan amount. As with the other situation I’ve heard about there was a new entity involved. According to the SBA, they are looking for payroll records of the same entity applying for the PPP- which is problematic in your situation. Unless your accountant sees it another way, I’m not certain how to get around this issue.