The AAP Steps Up

The AAP has been doing QUITE A BIT, actually.

This was 2 weeks ago (Small Business Guidance for Pediatric Practices).

This (Critical Updates on COVID-19 - perhaps the best central site for all things COVID).

This was about 12 days ago (AAP Guidance: Telehealth Payer Policy in Response to COVID-19).

And THIS was just a couple of days ago (where the AAP effectively demands $50K for every pediatrician in the country from HHS).

None of this is to mention all of the work being done on the chapter level in every state.

I’ve seen and heard more stories about the impact of COVID on pediatric practices than any other specialty out there (NYTimes, Washington Post, NPR, etc.).

The AAP is kicking butt right now, imo. That guidance and those positions above are absolutely changing the direction of healthcare in this country.