TV Interview- Pediatricians warn parents not to ignore their child's vaccination schedule amid pandemic

Great interview with @mumbauer

AUGUSTA COUNTY, Va. (WHSV) — A local pediatric doctor’s office said they’ve seen a big drop-off in visits since the COVID-19 pandemic began – and they say that could be a serious problem.

Pediatricians say you should still bring your kids for well visits and make sure they stay up to date on needed vaccinations.

“Well visits are probably some of the most important things we do in pediatrics,” Dr. Steven Mumbauer, a pediatrician at Valley Pediatric Group, said.

During those visits, the Valley Pediatric Group said they look for any issues in development, early screening for mental health issues, and vaccinations. But that’s changing with COVID-19.

“Immunization rates, both in infants and older kids, teenagers, have been dropping,” Dr. Steven Mumbauer said.

He added it’s concerning to see the rates drop.

“Those communicable diseases that are being protected for by the immunizations, they’ll start to climb back up,” Dr. Mumbauer said.

Goveror Ralph Northam, who is also a pediatrician, said vaccinations are essential for children and communities.

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