Private practice poll - let your voice be heard

This question is based on the pre- COVID19 era.

If you could do only ONE thing in your practice, what will it be?

A. increase patient volumes

B. finally hire the right team

C. I have enough patients, I want to maximize the revenue per patient in my practice

D. Other (please specify)

Pre-Covid- answer is C
post covid: answer is A

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C is my answer pre-COVID

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C is my answer

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For me it is B. I have had a lot of staff turnover and would really love a pediatrician to hire full or part time to join me- I am the only pediatrician and have 2 pediatric NPs.

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Right now? A, B, and C

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Sadly, B! Both pre and post covid

B-Finally hire the right team. I feel if you have the right people all of the rest becomes a much easier task.

Pre-COVID answer - C