For doctors that truthfully hate marketing and selling

@Paulie, you talk a lot about how we have to embrace selling, so here is an episode I did just on that.

I HATED selling when I started off as an entrepreneur.

In fact, I was a terribly shy introverted introvert.

I would do ANYTHING rather than talk to people, talk less of convincing them to do business with me.

:bangbang:It felt unprofessional.

:bangbang:It felt sleazy.

:bangbang:It made me feel like I was manipulating people to take their money.

I found out those are actually all myths.

Selling is only unprofessional, sleazy and manipulative when it is not done right.

The fact is that your business CANNOT thrive willing developing this master skill.

On this episode of the EntreMD Podcast, I show you how to deal with the selling hang ups once and for all.

This way, you can build a business that will serve a LOT of people and be VERY financially rewarding.

This way you can build a business that will be a tool to create the life you’ve always wanted to live.

I would love to hear your ‘aha’ moments in the comments when you are done listening :slight_smile:

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