Considerations for Adjusting Operations of a Pediatric Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In theory, there should be NO PROBLEM billing a 99051 for those >6pm video visits!

Hi Chip,
During the webinar last night you mentioned using 99058 when staff using PPE during a visit.

Is that correct?

Ly, Pediatrics of Arlington

No, I was thinking of the 99070 (Medical, Surgical, and Routine Supplies). I do think telehealth visits after 6pm should get a 99051!

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Thanks for sharing your experience and approach! Best, Ken Dominy

Hi Chip.
Sorry, couldn’t find where to put up a new question about practice issue so typing it here.
Good Morning.
I have an issue in the office now. Want to know how everyone is handling this kind of scenario.
One asymptomatic patient went for surgery and was tested positive at the hospital before the surgery. So right now it’s only 7 days from the day he tested positive but the children’s hospital wants to go forward with the surgery on this Friday and wants us to do another new pre-op today or tomorrow as the previous pre-op done by us is now over 30 days.
Is it ok to bring someone in the office even though it’s not full 14 days after being positive? What is everyone doing in these kind of cases.

Thank you all in advance.
Take care. Stay safe.


Sorry, figured out how to send a new msg and I did just now sent this same one to you and Pauli’s. Want to get your opinion you all.
Thank you